When the lockdown was announced in India in early 2020, a lot of daily wage workers from the film industry found themselves without work. We teamed up with Netflix to highlight their plight by way ofthis tribute to the people who work behind the scenes to make stories come alive. Sometimes the things you don't see make the things you do that much more beautiful. To making the most of it. To making it work. This is for the people behind the 'behind the scenes' and the ones who keep making what you see a reality.
Conceptualised and Produced by Supari Studios
Written by Dhruv Sehgal
Voiced by Anurag Kashyap
Director: Nisha Vasudevan
Executive Producer: Manoti Jain
Creative Director: Nandini Godara
Sr. Creative Producer: Ria Concessao
Creative Producer: Madhura Bhasker
Assistant Director: Shashank Rajaram
Editor: Chandrashekhar Parab
Grade: Sahil Amin
Music: Rahul Pais (The Jamroom)
Mix and Design: Carl Nazareth
Special Thanks to Shivang Monga and Harkat Studios
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