Directed by Nisha Vasudevan
Animated by Studio Sideline
Developed by Seedhe Maut, Sez On The Beat, Shashank Rajaram & Nisha Vasudevan
Conceptualised by Supari Studios
Lead Creative Producer - Shivani Mehta
Creative Producer - Suchi Dembla
VP - Content Development - Mitali Sharma
AVP - Brand Partnerships - Anvita Arora
Lead - Brand Partnerships - Avirup Kanjilal
Manager - Legal Shria Tikoo
Trainee - Legal Shubhangi Dwivedi
Executive Producer - Agastya Bhatia
Executive Producer (Azadi Records) - Mo Joshi
Chief AD & DA - Akshat Gupta
Animation Team - Derek Domnic Dsouza, Preetham Gunalaz, Sailesh Gopalan & Vibhav Singh
Music Credits Written & Performed by Seedhe Maut, Sez on the Beat
Produced/ Mixed/ Mastered by Sez on the Beat
Label: Azadi Records / THE MVMNT
Animated by Studio Sideline
Developed by Seedhe Maut, Sez On The Beat, Shashank Rajaram & Nisha Vasudevan
Conceptualised by Supari Studios
Lead Creative Producer - Shivani Mehta
Creative Producer - Suchi Dembla
VP - Content Development - Mitali Sharma
AVP - Brand Partnerships - Anvita Arora
Lead - Brand Partnerships - Avirup Kanjilal
Manager - Legal Shria Tikoo
Trainee - Legal Shubhangi Dwivedi
Executive Producer - Agastya Bhatia
Executive Producer (Azadi Records) - Mo Joshi
Chief AD & DA - Akshat Gupta
Animation Team - Derek Domnic Dsouza, Preetham Gunalaz, Sailesh Gopalan & Vibhav Singh
Music Credits Written & Performed by Seedhe Maut, Sez on the Beat
Produced/ Mixed/ Mastered by Sez on the Beat
Label: Azadi Records / THE MVMNT